Charlotte Style Mag blog About Real World By Andrew Tate Ai

About Real World By Andrew Tate Ai

Real World By Andrew Tate Ai

Andrew Tate has built up a massive following online and his teachings, if implemented correctly, can create huge wealth. However, it doesn’t come without hard work and consistency. His latest venture, the Real World (TRW), is a training platform that teaches students to make money online using business models proven to generate revenue.Find out:

The program’s landing page touts it as “the portal to escape the matrix.” It is a nod to the Matrix, which is the reality in which we live and which shackles us with mediocrity, laziness, and arrogance. Andrew’s avatar calls himself Morpheus and he compares joining TRW to exiting the Matrix and entering a world of self-determination and prosperity unshackled from the norms imposed on us by society.

Infinite Realities: Real World by Andrew Tate’s AI Exploration

Inside the program, students are given access to over 10 professors who teach them how to make money online using various methods. Each professor is hand-selected by Andrew and each one has made millions of dollars with the exact business model they are teaching. Students are provided with daily informative videos and also have a team of support that is available to answer questions.

The platform is similar to Hustler’s University but will run on Discord and Telegram instead of the mainstream social media platforms that have banned Andrew in the past. The new program is also supposed to be cancel-proof, something that HU was not. It is too early to tell if it will succeed but it has been receiving a lot of attention from Andrew’s followers who feel left out of the mainstream tech world.

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