Charlotte Style Mag blog NewTopia: Crafting Effective Digital Strategies

NewTopia: Crafting Effective Digital Strategies

About NewTopia: Crafting Effective Digital Strategies

A strategic plan, a framework, a roadmap — call it what you will, but every successful digital marketing campaign starts with one thing. Creating clear goals that align with your business objectives. Developing a detailed schedule that is flexible enough to change when the email numbers start growing, but also structured to ensure you stay on track and don’t waste resources on campaigns that aren’t going to work.

Newtopia helps employers and health plans drive engagement, minimize population risk, improve employees’ physical and emotional well-being, and reduce healthcare costs. Its personalized, whole-health platform includes innovative technology and personal health coaches called Inspirators who are more than instructors or trainers. They are 1:1, trusted confidants that drive optimal outcomes through motivation and engagement. Source

Employees also submit a saliva sample and fill out online profiles that allow the company to design tailored workout and diet regimens based on their specific needs. The company then monitors their progress through online coaching sessions, wearable devices like a smartphone app-enabled fitness tracker and wireless scale, or social networking groups.

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Newtopia’s goal is to provide a “hyper-personalized and scientific approach” to help at-risk employees achieve sustainable well-being. It says that it “combines behavioral science with predictive analytics to identify and predict a participant’s health risks.” The DNA tests allow participants to learn about the genetic predispositions they may have inherited from their parents that could be impacting their ability to lose weight and stick to an exercise routine. Newtopia also uses its anonymized DNA samples to study patterns and trends in the health data that it analyzes, but it stresses that its business and information handling practices are compliant with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.

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