Charlotte Style Mag blog How to Use Snapchat Custom Audiences and Dynamic Product Ads to Reach Your Snapchat Target Market

How to Use Snapchat Custom Audiences and Dynamic Product Ads to Reach Your Snapchat Target Market

Snapchat target market was created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown—former students at Stanford University—in 2012. It represents a different direction for social media, and its focus on instant communication through a mobile device sets it apart from the competition. Snapchat’s ephemeral nature adds an element of fun and creativity to the app, revolutionising how we share content with friends. The platform also features unique filters, AR lenses and truly innovative photo- and video-editing tools.

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Snapchat’s user base is young, highly engaged and ready to purchase – they have an estimated $4.4 trillion in spending power and are 4x more likely to make purchases based on the recommendations of their close friends than celebrities/influencers. As a result, it’s an excellent platform for driving brand awareness and sales.

In 2022, TikTok overtook Snapchat as teenagers’ favourite social media app, but it still has a hold on Gen Z and if you can deliver creative messaging that resonates with them, then this could be your ideal audience.

Using Snapchat Custom Audiences allows you to combine customer data with their observed behavior on the app so you can create targeted and optimized campaigns that meet your goals. And with Dynamic Product Ads, you can reach users who swiped on an image or video ad, opened a Story ad or shared/saved a lens or filter in the past.

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