Charlotte Style Mag blog Insider Visits a Magic Mushroom Dispensary

Insider Visits a Magic Mushroom Dispensary

magic mushrooms dispensary

The legalization of psychedelic mushrooms has been slow in coming, but some people are starting to openly sell them and more states are decriminalizing drug possession, and psilocybin’s popularity is growing. Insider visited a mushroom dispensary in Denver, where Darren Lyman offers customers dried mushrooms and advice for their trip.

Psilocybin is a Schedule I drug, like heroin and cocaine, but users have found ways to circumvent the law. Some use a network of underground dealers, but others have been successful opening brick-and-mortar stores like Fun Guyz and Shroomyz, and online retailers such as Mushroom Planet have popped up in 2022. URL

These spore-selling stores and websites allow customers to order their own psilocybin fungus online or at the storefront, and they sell various types of mushrooms by their color, size and place of origin. The prices range from $10 per gram to $200 for an ounce. Some stores offer a selection of mushrooms that can be eaten, but the majority are sold as dried products.

Interview with a Magic Mushroom Dispensary Owner: Insights and Perspectives

Some people buy psilocybin to boost creativity, and some take it for spiritual experiences, though comparing the two is difficult because of a variety of subjective effects. Many who experience a psilocybin trip consider it one of the most important experiences in their lives, and they describe mystical moments, a sense of connection to life and others, or even a sense of time slowing down. The setting and mood of the person before ingestion can also influence the results. A psychedelic experience can be overwhelming for some, so some people hire “trip sitters,” or monitors, to help them during the peak of the trip.

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