Charlotte Style Mag blog The Advantages and Disadvantages of Temp Agency Construction

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Temp Agency Construction

Temp Agency Construction

Temp Agency Construction

Every company needs a staff of skilled, full-time employees to ensure that daily tasks and projects are completed on schedule. But when a project’s demands exceed your company’s current workforce, temporary workers are an essential resource. These professionals can help you keep your projects on target without overburdening your permanent workers, which is often a cause of employee burnout.

A temporary staffing agency can supply your construction business with skilled, unskilled, and experienced workers on a contract basis. Many times, these professionals are assigned to jobs for up to 90 days. During this time, the agency charges a fee that is added to the worker’s hourly wage, typically between 50 percent and up to 100 percent. After the trial period, you can decide whether or not to hire the person as a permanent employee.

Temporary Talent, Permanent Results: The Role of Temp Agencies in Construction

The best part about using a temp agency for your construction business is the flexibility that it allows you to enjoy. You can easily scale your workforce up or down depending on your workload and the influx of new projects. This helps you avoid delays, which can cost your company money and damage its reputation with clients.

However, the biggest downside of hiring temporary workers from a temp agency is that these individuals are not as heavily incentivized to do well at their job as your regular full-time and part-time employees are. This can be a problem if you don’t monitor performance reviews for temp workers and weed out underperforming contractors quickly enough.

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